I really enjoyed my experience with Seika learning the traditional floristry art of Ikebana. As a Florist myself overseas I have always been very intrigued by this style of floristry and feel as though I learnt a lot from the class. Seika is a very knowledgable teacher with many years of experience. The group was small, three including myself, which was great and included morning tea at the end. She even allowed my partner to sit and watch and take some photos. Would highly recommend this class!
初めての生花体験に感動しました💞限られた時間の中での レッスンでしたが、中身は、大変、濃いものでした✨ 西洋的なフラワーアレンジメントととの違い、生花の心を知る事が出来たとても有意義な体験でした❤️ また、ご一緒したオーストラリアの方々、そして、見学者の方々とのインターナショナルな遣り取りもとても楽しく、世界が広がるひと時を過ごさせて頂きました‼️ 星花さん🌸 素敵な生花レッスン、ありがとうございました❣️✨
Seika is a very welcoming and gracious teacher. The experience was great. It was very well presented and organized. The art is so specific but yet the interpretation with fresh materials has great variation. I look forward to doing this at home.
International IKEBANA class is held on every Friday @Higashi-Nihonbashi.
This movie is made by the observer who was interested in my International IKEBANA class.
In a spacious Tatami-room…
stretch your back…
calmly face to the flowers….
forget daily llife…
It’s really relaxing!!
I really want to recommend to people who..
☑want to foreign/Japanese friends!
☑want to feel the Japanese beauty
☑want to forget daily life and relaxing
☑love flowers!
☑want to have time to reflect yourself
I really enjoyed my experience with Seika learning the traditional floristry art of Ikebana. As a Florist myself overseas I have always been very intrigued by this style of floristry and feel as though I learnt a lot from the class. Seika is a very knowledgable teacher with many years of experience. The group was small, three including myself, which was great and included morning tea at the end. She even allowed my partner to sit and watch and take some photos. Would highly recommend this class!
Seika is a very welcoming and gracious teacher. The experience was great. It was very well presented and organized. The art is so specific but yet the interpretation with fresh materials has great variation. I look forward to doing this at home.
Next, on July 13th the customer from TEXAS will come to this class!
Come and join us!!
The detail and reservation is from here↓
매주 금요일 히가시니혼바시에서 외국인 관광객 부들과 즐기는 꽃꽂이체험을 하고 있어요.
이 동영상은 전에 꽃꽂이 체험했을 때 견학했던 분(프랑스에서 오신 분)이 관심으 가져 주셔서 동영상 찍어서 보내 주더라고요!
넓은 다다미방에서…
등을 펴고…
조용히 꽃과 맞이하면
바쁜 일상을 잊게 되고 아주 좋은 기분전환이 돼요.
이런 분들에게 추천합니다!
☑외국인/일본인 친구를 만들고 싶다!
☑일본의 전통미를 느껴보고 싶다!
☑바쁜 일상에서 벗어나고 싶다!
☑꽃을 사랑한다!
☑자신을 돌아보는 시간이 필요하다!
I really enjoyed my experience with Seika learning the traditional floristry art of Ikebana. As a Florist myself overseas I have always been very intrigued by this style of floristry and feel as though I learnt a lot from the class. Seika is a very knowledgable teacher with many years of experience. The group was small, three including myself, which was great and included morning tea at the end. She even allowed my partner to sit and watch and take some photos. Would highly recommend this class!
처음으로 이케바나 체험 해 봤는데 감동했습니다💞 한정된 시간속의 레슨이었지만 내용은 아주 진하고 깊은 것이었습니다✨ 서양적인 알레인지먼트와의 차이, 일본 꽃꽂이의 마음을 알 수 있게 된 것이 아주 보람있는 체험이었습니다❤️ 또 함께 한 호주에서 오신 분들, 그리고 견학자들과의 국제적인 대화도 아주 즐거웠고 세게가 넓어지는 즐거운 시간을 보냈어요‼️ 세이카 선생님🌸 아주 멋진 이케바나 레슨 감사합니다❣️✨
Seika is a very welcoming and gracious teacher. The experience was great. It was very well presented and organized. The art is so specific but yet the interpretation with fresh materials has great variation. I look forward to doing this at home.
다음 7월 13일은 텍사스에서 손님이 오실 예정입니다.
함께 즐거운 시간을 보내 주실 참석자를 모집중입니다!!
상세정보・예약은 아래↓